
1 Examples of goth Caption Original Text Tags
too old to learn to skate too old to go full goth some new rap i dont get it too old for candy too old to learn spanish get heartburn from beer too old to be skinny starting to like tom petty too old to establish credit its too late to really do anything cool too old for hard video games too old for a real career type job my hip just hurt for the first time ever maybe ill never be good at bass too old to ride a bike for fun too old to eat hell of burgers no man should out live his cat cartoons seem stupid now too old to stay up late too old for sex probably too old for baggy jeans too old to be friends with teens what if im never happy like when i was a kid BUT STILL KICKING ASS!!! bitch "THE,FUTURE WAS WIDE OPEN" TOM P. [ skate goth candy spanish beer tom petty video games career bass bike burgers cat cartoons sex baggy jeans friends happiness too old ]

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