
4 Examples of genius Caption Original Text Tags
in 2017 i was normal intelligents 208 IQ but thank's to the NET I AM NOW A GENIOUS BECOMING MORE GENIOUS EVERY DAY ON LINE AT https://t.co/GfqwqHWv7Y [ genius iq 2017 ]
SET MY ALARM EARLY so i can hit snooze 5 times "the sleep genious" MORE NATUREL, MORE DREAM’S, MORE GENIOUS - https://t.co/Qtp3PvcePc ADM [ alarm genius sleep dream ]
THE WISE OFTEN WALK ALONE but a genious know's to assign a buddy to get more item's LIFE OF A GENIOUS - https://t.co/Qtp3PuUDXE ADMIN [ wisdom pokemon genius ]
YES I AM A A GENIOUS but some part's of my mind are DUMB AS SHIT dont like video game's any more scared of horse's go back to casino but win this time wacked my knee on the bed somehow need to stop dropping thing's making freinds what is sushi EVEN A GENIOUS CAN BE DUMB - https://t.co/Qtp3PvcePc ADMIN [ genius brain sushi horses ]

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